These are all our Malta Covid-19 updates from day 1 of the pandemic in Malta:
Despite slight increase in cases, situation ‘stable, under control
While this week saw a slight increase in new COVID-19 cases when compared to the previous week, the situation seems to be stable and under control, statistician Vincent Marmara said in his weekly vlog with The Malta Independent on Sunday. 20 new cases were reported over the past week, which is an increase over the nine…
Reproduction rate of Covid-19 in Malta is 0.42
The reproduction rate of Covid-19 in Malta currently stands at 0.42, statistician Vincent Marmara told The Malta Independent on Sunday in his weekly vlog with the newspaper. It comes after last week saw the least number of new cases reported when compared with other weeks since the pandemic began three months ago. Last week was also the lowest…
Last week saw lowest number of new COVID-19 cases …
since pandemic hit Malta The weekly number of new cases of COVID-19 in Malta was at its lowest last week since the pandemic hit Malta, statistician Vincent Marmara explained to The Malta Independent on Sunday. In his exclusive weekly vlog, Marmara said that the decrease also meant that even the percentage of new cases against how…
What effects will the pandemic have on the Maltese economy?
Although last weekend saw the first moves towards restarting economic activity in the country, a scientific survey carried out by Dr Vincent Marmara shows that consumer demand will remain slow, with consumers preferring to wait until a vaccine is found before returning to normality. Although the economic scenario does not look so positive, the study…
Putting case numbers into context: only 0.7% of swab tests last week resulted positive
A comparison between the number of swab tests carried out and the number of new cases of Covid-19 shows that over the past week, in spite of an increase in cases, only 0.7% of the swabs taken were positive – a figure much lower than in the earlier stages of the pandemic, statistician Vincent Marmara…
Analiżi: It-tieni mewga tal-imxija inqas aggressiva mill-ewwel waħda
Fl-aħħar ġimgħat l-awtorità tas-saħħa kompliet tintensifika il-kampanja ta’ testijiet għal coronavirus, bl-ammont ta’ swabs li saru fi ftit aktar min xahrejn qabżu s-56,000. Analiżi mill-istatistiku Vincent Marmara uriet li minkejja li reġa’ kien hemm żieda fil-każijiet, din sa issa tidher li hija inqas aggessiva minn dik li Malta kellha fil-ħames u s-sitt ġimgħa tal-imxija. L-awtoritajiet…
If COVID-19 case numbers are sustained in coming days, …
… we are in second wave If the daily number of new Covid-19 cases in Malta remains sustained over the coming days, then it would mean that the country is in a second wave of the virus, statistician Vincent Marmara told The Malta Independent on Sunday. Speaking in his weekly exclusive video blog with the newspaper,…
Baqa’ ftit jiem ohra biex inkunu nafu …
… x’kien l-effett tal-illaxkar tal-miżuri f’Malta Ġimgħa wara li ġew illaxkati restrizzjonijiet bħall-ftuħ mill-ġdid ta’ ħwienet, reġa’ beda l-ivvjaġġar lejn Għawdex għal rikreazzjoni u hu permess li persuni jiltaqgħu fi gruppi sa erba’ persuni flok tlieta; ir-rata ta’ trażmissjoni tal-Coronavirus minn persuna għall-oħra baqgħet taħt iż-żero. Bl-R factor fil-livell ta’ 0.65, l-istatistiku Vincent Marmara qal…
Covid-19 reproduction ratio at 0.65 …
… this week pivotal to understand impact of relaxed measures The effective reproduction ratio for Covid-19 in Malta stands at 0.65, but this week is a pivotal one to understand impact of new measures, statistician Vincent Marmara told The Malta Independent. The reproduction ratio of the virus is one of the key figures which countries across…
Malta’s early restrictive measures key to flattening Covid-19 curve
Malta’s early restrictive measures compared to other countries were key to flattening the country’s Covid-19 curve, statistician Vincent Marmara told The Malta Independent on Sunday. In his exclusive weekly analysis with this newsroom, Marmara noted how Malta’s curve is most similar to that seen in South Korea, but is far different from the curve in major…
Ir-rata tar-riproduzzjoni tal-Coronavirus tibqa’ taħt il-1 u hija stabbli
Ir-rata ta’ riproduzzjoni tal-Coronavirus f’pajjiżna żdiedet ftit, għal 0.61. Ġimagħtejn ilu, kienet 0.54. L-istatistiku u riċerkatur Vincent Marmarà spjega kif din iż-żieda hija waħda li matematikament tagħmel sens. Huwa spjega: “Din ir-rata ta’ riproduzzjoni hija ta’ 0.61 li f’dal-aħħar ġimgħat ukoll kienet pjuttost waħda konsistenti kif wieħed jista’ jara f’din il-grafika. Hawnhekk għandna n-numru, r-rata…
“Jekk jitnaqqsu l-miżuri rridu noqogħdu attenti li ma jkollniex it-tieni mewġa”
“Jekk il-miżuri jibdew jitnaqqsu u għad hemm il-każijiet fil-komunità, f’dak il-każ irridu nsegwu r-reproduction ratio b’mod konsistenti ħalli naraw li mhix qed terġa’ tiżdied il-firxa u b’hekk nispiċċaw ikollna t-tieni mewġa, kif qed jiġri f’diversi pajjiżi. Jekk ikollna t-tieni mewġa nistgħu nippruvaw nikkontrollaw l-affarijiet biex ikollna curve li tkun aktar baxxa mill-ewwel waħda, bħal Korea…
Survey: 1 in 4 Maltese were not affected by restrictions imposed by Authorities
On the eve of the reopening of some shops that were closed due to the pandemic, a survey conducted by statistician Dr Vincent Marmara shows that while people were not in total lockdown they found ways to spend time at home. The survey showed that one in four Maltese were not significantly affected and more…
Reproduction ratio model takes into account …
… virus cases which have not been detected The model being used to calculate the reproduction ratio of COVID-19 in Malta not only takes into account virus cases which are yet to be found, but assumes that the majority of cases are asymptomatic ones which authorities are not yet aware of, statistician Vincent Marmara said…
Malta’s Covid-19 reproduction ratio down to 0.54
Malta’s Covid-19 reproduction ratio has decreased to 0.54, with mathematical modelling now indicating that the current wave is reaching its end, statistician Vincent Marmara said in his weekly vlog with The Malta Independent on Sunday. The reproduction ratio of the virus is one of the key figures which countries across the world have been trying to…
EXCLUSIVE: Infection rate from a person to another has declined to 0.5
The positive trend in lower rates of Coronavirus infections from a person to another continued in Malta. A scientific analysis by statistician Vincent Marmara shows a continuous encouraging picture, however Dr Marmara said that in case some restrictions are eased, the authorities should remain vigilant everyday on the rate of infections to avoid the second…
Weekly new COVID-19 cases drop to similar levels from two weeks ago
The weekly number of new COVID-19 cases in Malta has dropped to levels which are similar to the number of cases found two and three weeks ago, but social distancing remains key to keeping Malta’s curve down, statistician Vincent Marmara said in the first of his exclusive weekly analysis with The Malta Independent on Sunday. The…
Rate of infection from one person to another continues to decrease
A scientific analysis by statistician Dr Vincent Marmara’s of the Coronavirus cases in the context of the measures taken by the Health Authorities gives an encouraging picture as the rate of person-to-person infections has continued to decline. But Dr Vincent Marmara has warned against easing the measures as long as there are still patients infected…
Provides a clearer picture of the increase in Covid-19 cases in Malta
Statistician and researcher Dr Vincent Marmara provided a clearer picture of the increase in coronavirus cases in Malta. In a video on the social media, Dr Marmara said that he is frequently asked how he interprets the amount of new cases in Malta which, sometimes, they are few and sometimes in greater number. Dr Marmara…
“Some people have COVID-19 and do not know they are spreading it”
Even though the latest announcement of a further 52 cases of infection may not have surprised the authorities, it has certainly triggered off greater public anxiety. TVM asked statistician Dr Vincent Marmara if this new number of infections has altered his studies about the manner in which the infection is spreading: